A Great Fashion Show…and season-end for Ladies keep Fit!
Our sold-out show was a lot of fun and fetured lots of beautiful clothes, almost all of which are available right here in Oliver! We have so many people to thank for making it a hit!
Without the vendors a fashion show can’t happen. We sincerely appreciate the time and effort given by our wonderful vendors who were (in order of appearance):
The Bargain! Shop, Oliver
Oliver Pharmacy
Polka Dot Gifts
Oliver Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shop
MJ’s Upcycled Designs
Drift Boutique
KewlChic Stylz
Door Prizes were generously donated by:
Polka Dot Gifts
Riverside Garden Centre
Shoppers Drug Mart, Oliver
Joan Aiello
BuyLow Foods
Big Al’s Bakery and Deli
Kevin’s NOFRILLS Oliver
Arterra Wines Canada (Cellar Door, Jackson Triggs, Bodacious and more)
vin Amite Cellars
Hair Friends
Pappa’s Fire Hall Bistro
Vision Art Photography, Angelika Young
Exhale Art Gallery
Carol Borzac
Volunteers who created, ran and cleaned up after the show were MANY!! My apologies to any I miss here…we are so grateul for all the hard work that made this event an outstanding success.
Co-chairs of the fashion show committee – Moira Bryce and Joan Aiello
Stage and runway coordinator Diane Worth
MCs Marilyn Johnson, Pat Linton
Pianist Marian Nelmes
Decorating: Joan Aiello, Georgena Forsythe, MJ White, Susan Bolger
Bar sales Kristy Sutherland
Bartender Elaine Holmes
Models/Vendors Coordinators Susan Bolger, Aleatha Russell, Pat Linton
Models Angie Young, Ann Stiles, Barb Smith, Heather McNaughton, Janice (MJ) White, Judy Harvey, Kat L’Herault Kelly Wheeler, Lorrayne Guenther, Lucy Stoppler, Pearl Pal-Reid, Penny Burnett plus the Thrift Store models (names unavailable)
Kitchen coordinator Roberta Casselman and helpers Carol Borzac, Joan Aiello, Val Durham, Georgena Forsythe, MJ White, Susan Bolger
Ticket-takers Diane Schmidt, Maureen Haywood
50/50 Margaret Wright, Marie Brown
Photo booth and serving Oliver Ambassador Program – Meghan Boye, Kira Usher, Sophie Broadway
Photography Georgena Forsythe, Susan Bolger, Julie Russell, Sophie Broadway
Door prizes – Julie Russell, Joan Aiello
Cleanup Susan Bolger, Georgena Forsythe, MJ White, Julie Russell, Val Crowhurst, Roberta Casselman, Carol Borzac …
ADDED NOTE – IF YOU TOOK PICTURES please share them with us. Please Email to oliverseniorcentre@gmail.com
Ladies Keep Fit is having their last session for the season, mat cleaning and their wind-up this coming Wednesday, May 15th. Come out for a last get-together before summer!