Oliver Senior Centre Society

The aims of the Oliver Senior Centre Society are to promote development and improvement of the mental, social, and physical well being of Senior Citizens by providing a venue for recreation, education and entertainment.

We strive to provide a wide range of regular weekly physical, social and arts activites including (but not limited to):

  • Pool, Social Coffee, Bingo, Cards (Bridge, Cribbage) and Indoor Walking year-round,
  • Keep-Fit, Cardio/Strength classes, Chair Fit classes, Line Dancing, Carpet Bowling and Floor Curling September to late spring/early summer;
  • We have an excellent in-house band, The Oliver Senior Volunteer Band, playing for a jam session Wednesdays  at 1:00 PM and a dance Saturday mornings at 10:00  AM from September through June.
  • Saturday dances, seasonal events and community dinners, Music Bingo, Trivia, an annual Spring Fashion Show and other events occur regularly through the September-June seasons.  As well, drop-ins are welcome to come in to read, do jigsaw puzzles, play darts and play games.
  • Art Shows and sales in collaboration with local Arts groups and individual artists are ongoing. Our main hall is a Gallery, open to the public whenever the main hall is not otherwise occupied. Not open during fitness classes and Bingo – see our calendar for details.

We value our community and contribute by hosting various courses and clinics, providing Scholarships to Okanagan Senior Secondary School graduates and providing community-based charitable donations for local groups and activities.

Oliver Senior Centre Society is self-managed through the generosity of our many devoted volunteers and a small Board which oversees the stewardship of this Society. Volunteers are always needed and welcome. Please see Julie, Roberta or Moira for information about current volunteer needs and your volunteer interests.

The greater our active membership, the more we can do for all seniors in our area. We encourage you to join – it’s a bargain at only $ 30 per  year. Our membership year runs from October 1 – Sept 30th. Memberships go on sale September 3rd for the 2024- 2025 season.

We welcome new members and truly cherish all who become part of this community by contributing some of their energy to help run the Centre. Join us and find your place to relax, refresh, meet new people and give back to your community!