Annual General Meeting Monday, November 14th
Our Annual General Meeting will be held at the Oliver Senior Centre, 5876 Airport Street,
Oliver, BC on Monday, November 14th at 1:30. We are seeking candidates to fill the Treasurer, Second Vice President and several Director positions. If you are interested in joining our Board please send your Name and phone number and the name of the position that interests you to Attention Nominations Committee at
We look forward to having a good turnout for this meeting. Please mark it on your calendar. Remember you must be a member in good standing, with your 2022 membership renewed or be a new paid member, to vote at a General Meeting.
Our membersips are valid October 1st to September 30th each year. Membership costs remain at $20 per year and are open to all adults 50+. This year we are starting a new membership form that will help us better focus on providing the activities people most want and match our volunteer opportunities to the members most suited and interested in being part of the overall operation of the Centre.
Download and print the Membership form here, or come in and pick one up and fill it in at the Centre.