We wish you all a very Happy New Year!
Unfortunately, due to the currrent COVID-19 directives, we are closed again not just until Jan. 3 but at least Jan. 18 or longer. In the meantime we are preparing to return to more of your favorite activities and events as soon as conditions and requirements allow.
We are seeking feedback about interest in resuming the floor games – carpet bowling and floor curling. If enough participants want to join in we will try to reinstate floor games when we are permitted to. We are also ready and willing to start card games as soon as conditions allow. Tentatively this will include Duplicate Bridge (lessons and play), Bridge, and Crib. Is there interest in any other card games? Personally, I’d love to play Euchre again!
Let us know in the comments below, or by email to oscs@eastlink.ca, what you would like to see reinstated, or starting new, in 2022.
Until we can open again,
May 2022 brings you lots of love, laughter, and joy.