Oops! January Calendar Error!
So sorry for the mistakes…
YES, THERE IS LINE DANCING THIS WEEK -Thursday, January 9th- Beginners at 9:30, more experienced dancers at 10:30
YES, THERE IS A CRIB TOURNAMENT – Sunday, Jan 19th – Get your name on the list NOW, register in at 9:00 and starting a bit earlier at 9:30. Includes lunch.
YES, OUR ANNUAL SUNDAY JAM SESSION IS January 26th. Register at 11:00, Music starts at 1:00. Lunch will be served
YES, THERE IS A POOL TOURNAMENT THIS MONTH – Monday, January 27th at 9:30. Includes lunch.
…and a few more notes…..
Were you at our Christmas Dinner December 14th? Did you happen to take any photos? If you did would you share them with us? Please email them to oliverseniorcentre@gmail.com or put them on a flash drive/stick and bring them in for us. We would be delighted!!
We are always looking for volunteers. Right now we need:
- One more Board member. We have a vacant seat on our Board and would love to see it filled by someone who is active and involved at the Centre, particularly in any of the fitness programs – Ladies Keep Fit, Cardio/Strength/Chair Fitness, Line Dancing or Floor Games (Carpet Bowling or Floor Curling). These very important fitness activities need more representation at the Board level.
- Concession help – We need someone to run the concession, primarily Fridays, 10:00 – 2:30. Must be good with cash. Training will be provided.
Thanks in advance for your help!