President’s Message for April 2022
It has been a trying time for the past two years. Opening and closing has taken a toll on all of us. We recently had our first dinner and dance. It was a great success and thanks to Stephanie Ryan for doing the cooking and all the volunteers we had helping. We continue to do masking and sanitizing due to some positive Covid cases from an event in the community. People did come to the Center before they were aware they were ill. It is important that you continue with the masks even if you don’t like it. According to PUBLIC HEALTH I can impose other restrictions as needed. Please try to abide by our requests or choose to stay home.
Despite being careful and masking, I have tested positive due to exposure and have been at home self-isolating. it is more like a head cold for me and hope it is nothing more than that.
We have had to watch the activities and I did cancel bingo on March 25 and the dance on March 26 because of the distancing. Some other activities were okay as they could be separated. Hope this is over soon for us.
This month, we will have another garage sale. It was changed from April 2 to April 9. We could still use articles to sell. These can be left in the cloak room at the front with many thanks. We will sell hot dogs at lunch. Time is 8:30am to 2:30pm. We will not have a bake sale due to the Covid. Sorry, but this is my order for now.
We are still looking for interest in floor curling, carpet bowling, euchre and canasta. Sign-up sheets are on the large board as you come in the front door.
If there are further suggestions for activities, please let us know and we will try to accommodate your suggestions. Evenings might be a problem for numbers and a board member to be in the building during the activity.
Stay safe and please be careful. Covid is very much around and hits anyone.
Margaret Wright