We want to help others…
So we do what we can….
Our Bingo for the Food Bank was a great success, producing 8 good-sized boxes packed full of food and over $400.00 in cash donations.
We save tabs from pop/beverage tins that are delivered to the cancer centre by one of our member/volunteers. The cancer centre uses the funds from the recycled metal to pay for assistive devices and custom devices.
One of our volunteers, Lin Brian, spearheads “Fill the Purses” as detailed in her letter below
Hello Friends,
I’m excited about a project I’m spearheading. It’s called ‘Fill the Purses’. Let me explain. I heard about this a couple of years ago and the thought wouldn’t go away. It’s time for me to do something about it.
As we all know, some abused women are forced to flee their home with nothing but the clothes on their back. This is a project to give them something to leave with. If you want to be part of it, and have a gently used purse, you can fill it with things of your choice, or any of the following:
· Tampons/pads
· Toothbrush
· Toothpaste
· Shampoo/conditioner
· Body wash
· Soap
· Hand cream
· Face Cloth
· Face cleanser
· Moisturizer
· Nail Polish
· Lipstick
· Gift cards to the Bargain Shop in Oliver/ Dollarama/ Dollar Store
Without a gift certificate, I expect a purse can be filled with less than $20.00.
Desert Sun will receive and distribute these purses. Not everyone will choose to be involved – we all have projects near and dear to our hearts. You can be part of this fully or partially. If you have a purse, but no time to shop, give me the purse – I can pick it up if your time is an issue, and someone else will shop. If you want to provide some cash, but don’t have a purse, we’ll match that up with a purse. I will be co-ordinating everything here at my house.Email: linbrian@telus.net
Phone: 250-485-4000
Address: 353 Chardonnay Avenue, Oliver
Many of our other members are involved in charitable works as well. We’ll pass on more stories in future posts.